Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dr Kudchadker

Secret Agent Man had his 7 year well visit yesterday.

He is 50" and 54 pounds.

His new doctor (nurse practitioner) here is okay.  It felt more like they were just checking off a checklist from some government agency then really inquiring about his health.

Does he drink milk?
Can he tie his shoes?
Does he eat fruit?
Does he like reading?

Don't get me wrong.  Especially with my public health background, I understand the need to establish this information on a child and choices being made in their environment.

It's just that - they are doing it all wrong.

The questionnaire, the bedside manner, really believing that they are going to get honest answers to questions in that way.

You see, we were very lucky to find Dr. Kudchadker.  He cared for Secret Agent Man since his very first doctor appointment at three days old.

Because Secret Agent Man is so healthy; after those first few years, we only saw him annually.

It didn't matter.

He remembered.

The doctor would come in, give Secret Agent Man a kiss on the head, and start talking to me like we see each other every day.

He would say "Secret Agent Man, you are SO healthy.  Look at those bruises on your legs, fantastic!  You are solid muscle!  Great job to Mom and Dad, he is eating very healthy, I can tell.  You should have 12 more like him!  If only every patient were this healthy!  You are going to be a football player one day!"

All the while he would be prodding and inspecting and checking him over.

Then he would ask what questions or concerns I had and answer them all for me.

Secret Agent Man actually liked to go see him and even after immunizations, he left happy. I liked to go see him (wish he could have been my doctor) and always left happy.

He didn't need the checklist.  He just doctored and got the same answers.

To be fair, he has had over 50 years experience.  Maybe they just need time to catch up!

Secret Agent Man's visit, even without Dr. Kudchadker, went well.  He is still just as healthy - they just aren't as excited about it.

It was the first visit without a shot.  He received the influenza vaccination via mist for the nose this year.  After the first shot up there his reaction was "Whoa.   Dude."

That was pretty funny.

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