Thursday, July 5, 2012

Chinese Movie Star

I was listening to the NPR podcast, This American Life one day.  It was about Americans living in China.

It got my head spinning about how great a move to China would be!

The experience of living in a country that is growing as it is now.  The culture, the history, the charm of the people, living in a rural village.  Of course, those are all of the fantastic things.  I would have to consider the poverty, pollution and other problems.

Jobs would not be a problem.

The podcast had one story on how American ex-pats living in China often would get parts on TV, movies, etc.  In fact, foreigners bring the highest ratings on Chinese TV - just behind animals and cute children.  Foreigners attempting to speak Mandarin - even better!

Well I just happen to have those three elements right here!  Animal, foreigner, cute child.

Secret Agent Man even took some Mandarin classes for a few months.

A video of Secret Agent Man attempting his small bit of Mandarin with shots of 00Dog jumping and leaping.

That sounds like ratings gold.

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