Friday, July 20, 2012

Ghost in the House

Special Agent Dad was away for work for a few days.  Secret Agent Man and I had a nice evening together and stayed inside because he had a bit of a fever and a runny nose.  I put him to bed for some rest and came out to write some posts for the blog.

I had left him to sleep and after about 30 minutes I heard a quiet tapping noise.  It almost sounded like the door opening.  I went to check on him and he was soundly sleeping.  I found the culprit on my way out of the bedroom.  A tiny beetle had made its way into the house and was making the noise when it hit the walls.

I went back to the couch to continue my work.  I had the TV on in the background and was reviewing a YouTube video to post when I heard it.

The chair in the kitchen behind me was slowly being dragged across the tile floor.  It was the unmistakable screech of the chair being pulled from the table but, in slow motion.  

I had an immediate fight or flight reaction.  My body chose to fight!  I stood up, somehow throwing the expensive computer to the floor (I barely remember) and ran into the kitchen.  

In my mind, as crazy as it sounds, in that split second I rationalized that this must be ghosts because why would a person pull out the chair to sit down.  

I ran into the kitchen, and saw it......

Secret Agent Man.  

He was asleep.  He had sleepwalked right past me and into the kitchen and then slowly began pulling the chair out from the table.  

I had to take a step back because all of the adrenaline rushing through my body was ready for action.  I did not expect to see him there!  I quickly gathered myself and then walked to him.  

He was stumbly and couldn't answer my questions.  Definitely asleep.  I walked him back to the bed and tucked him back in.  

I woke up Special Agent Dad with my panicked phone call, the adrenaline still pulsing through me.  He listened to my story and urged me to go to bed.  I did and Secret Agent Man tried to get up two more times! (He was sleeping in my bed while Dad was away).  I was up until 2 AM making sure he was not going to get up, wander and get hurt.  

I think it was the fever that made him do it.  He had never done it before and hasn't done it since.  

All I know is, if there ever are ghosts, they better watch out because deep down, apparently, I am a ghost buster.  

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